EPPP Exam Prep Package - Live Online Instruction (9-Month Access)

As low as $1,649.00
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NEW: now introducing a lower-cost digital delivery option. Save money and receive access to your study materials instantly on your laptop or mobile device - no more waiting for shipping, so you can start studying today.

What's Included in a Live Online Exam Prep Package?

A comprehensive package that gives you all the pieces you need to be successful on the EPPP with the added benefit of live online instruction and coaching check-ins.

What's Included in a Live Online Exam Prep Package?

A comprehensive package that gives you all the pieces you need to be successful on the EPPP with the added benefit of live online instruction and coaching check-ins.

Comprehensive EPPP Content

Our Study Package includes all the materials needed to study the critical content areas of the EPPP. Our Study Volumes provide content to all 11 domains of the EPPP, the important key terms, and testing strategies for each section. We include supportive tools; Audio Library, Video Library, and Flashcards, to help reinforce content and memory learning.

Delivered in either digital or printed format:

  • Six Comprehensive Study Volumes
  • +600 Flashcards

Mock Exams & Practice Questions

TestMASTER is the ultimate EPPP testing program. Our program gives you a variety of exams to give you a complete testing experience. You will begin with an Assessment Exam, Section Quizzes parallel study volume content to test your comprehension, Domain Quizzes allows you to focus questions by topic, and Final Exam will prepare a full EPPP simulation to get you ready for exam day.

  • TestMASTER 9 months subscription - unlimited access
  • 8-full length exams
  • Assessment Practice Test
  • Section Quizzes
  • Domain Quizzes
  • Final Practice Tests (Exam Simulation)

Live Online Exam Prep

Our 32-Hour Live Online Exam Prep Course is the digital solution to an on-site workshop. All the relevant test-prep content broken down into topic-specific, instructor-led online sessions.

  • 32 hours of live instruction presented by topic. Each topic is an individual workshop
  • 9-month subscription to complete all topics or the option to repeat a topic
  • Each topic is hosted by a team of live instructors to ask personalized questions
  • Live Online means you can follow the workshop from the comfort of your own home or office

One-on-One Coaching

This study package gives you eight (8) 30-minute one-on-one sessions to personalized help when you need it most. Our coaches are specially trained in effective preparation techniques and the demands of the EPPP. Learn strategies, study tips, lower stress, and remove the uncertainty of preparation. We will get you ready for exam day!

  • One-on-one support
  • Test-taking Strategies
  • Manage your anxiety
  • Build your confidence

Pass Guarantee

Other companies may offer similar programs and guarantees, but none can match the quality and support of AATBS.

If you take your exam and do not pass, or if you are not ready to take the exam 30 days before your course expires or the test date (whichever is later), then you may receive one free three-month extension. Additional extensions can be purchased at a discounted rate. Learn more about our pass guarantee.

✔ Comprehensive EPPP content to cover the critical areas of the exam
✔ Test-taking strategies to navigate the right answers
✔ Additional materials to reinforce content and memory learning
✔ Live instructor-led sessions from experts closest to the exam.
✔ Access to thousands of practice questions and detailed rationales to understand the correct answer
✔ A simulated EPPP experience to get you familiar with the testing process
✔ Personalized one-on-one coaching to guide your study plan
✔ Pass Guarantee gives you confidence when you study with AATBS

NEW: now introducing a lower-cost digital delivery option. Save money and receive access to your study materials instantly on your laptop or mobile device - no more waiting for shipping, so you can start studying today.

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NEW: now introducing a lower-cost digital delivery option. Save money and receive access to your study materials instantly on your laptop or mobile device - no more waiting for shipping, so you can start studying today.

Asset Includes Online Programs