Why We Love AATBS Exam Coaches and You Should Too!

Studying for licensure in the mental health field is challenging. It can be an emotional process with both victory and setback and going at it alone can make it even more difficult.

A unique feature of AATBS is our one on one specialized coaching. The features and benefits of AATBS coaching include a personalized partnership and consistent motivation.

Having a coach on your journey to a passing score means having a relationship geared towards focus and commitment.

As Nicki Morris of Neoteric says,
“Having a coach is similar to having a personal trainer. No one needs a personal trainer to achieve their fitness goals, but I know from having a trainer that I achieved my fitness goals much faster and with more confidence than without one.”

If your gym membership included a personal trainer at no additional cost, wouldn’t you utilize it? If you have an AATBS exam prep package, you have a personal exam prep coach.

Here are a few reasons why we love our exam coaches, and why you should too!

• Our coaches are accessible

Some of our coaches are remote in your area, where others are available online or over the phone. You can set up your first coaching session by emailing coaching@aatbs.com or by calling 1-800-472-1931. Meet our coaches here and get connected with a coach specific to your licensure today!

• A coach has your best interest in mind

AATBS coaches are licensure specific and their job is to help you succeed. They can connect you with the tools you need for the licensure exam that you are studying for. Our coaches do not profit off any service or study tool that they might recommend to you. If they recommend you buy another AATBS product, it’s because they believe you’ll truly benefit from it.

• A coach will help you think differently

You know that concept you just can’t seem to ever grasp? A coach is a new (experienced) pair of eyes to help you see the concept in a new way to help you better understand it. An AATBS exam coach can look at your practice exam scores and see what areas you need to grow in and where you should spend more of your time studying. They are here to guide you toward success and remove any ambiguity of where you should be at in your studies.

• A coach will hold you accountable

Based on your strengths and areas of improvement, a coach can help you craft exam prep goals and hold you accountable as you take the necessary steps toward those goals. They know where you are at in your studies and can help you understand which next step is best for you at that time. For example, a coach can help you discern whether you’re ready to sit the exam or whether you should study more – and which concepts you should spend more time on.

Ultimately, you might be able to succeed on your mental health licensure exam without a coach. But having a coach will make the process much more encouraging and will give you more confidence going into exam day. So, what are you waiting for?