Upcoming Blueprint Changes to the EPPP

In August, the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB) announced some changes to the EPPP, affecting the blueprint of the exam (i.e., how content is weighted on the exam).

The good news is, there’s no need to panic!

The major content of the exam isn’t changing. Nor are the domains. The changes are simply in the percentage of questions you’ll find on exam day for each domain and should not significantly affect your study plan.

Areas Affected by the Change

The changes being made to the EPPP will take effect on all exams starting February 15, 2018. See the charts below that show the current domain weights and what the new domain weights will be.


So, if you’re planning to take the EPPP after February 15, 2018, you can expect the following:

  • Biological Bases of Behavior: Instead of 27 questions, you can expect 22 – 23.
  • Social & Cultural Bases of Behavior: Instead of 27 questions, you can expect 25.
  • Assessment & Diagnosis: Instead of 31 – 32 questions, you can expect 36.
  • Treatment, Intervention, Prevention & Supervision: Instead of 31 – 32 questions, you can expect 33 – 34.
  • Research Methods & Statistics: Instead of 18 questions, you can expect 15 – 16.
  • Ethical, Legal, Professional Issues: Instead of 33 – 34 questions, you can expect 36.
  • Cognitive-Affected Bases of Behavior: Not changing; you can expect 29 – 30 questions.
  • Growth & Lifespan Development: Not changing; you can expect 27 questions.

More information on the changes to the exam can be obtained in ASPPB’s EPPP handbook.

The good news is, our Study Packages and Tools have already been updated to reflect the ASPPB's new EPPP blueprint! Study confidently for the most recent changes to the exam with AATBS!

Why These Changes?

The changes to the weight of the domains tested on the EPPP were made as part of a continuing process whereby the ASPPB tries to keep the EPPP aligned with what a practicing psychologist would experience in the field. Psychologists working in the United States and Canada were given a survey about the required knowledge for someone to practice at entry level. The data generated from this survey was then reviewed by a panel and comprised the basis for these adjustments.

More good news, you’re not in this alone.

One-on-one coaching comes included in our comprehensive and up-to-date Study Packages, like our Platinum Package:


Questions about the exam changes or what study package is right for you? Call us at 1-800-472-1931 or click here to get started!