AATBS in-house coaches, Melissa and Jennifer, have been hosting Coaches’ Corner for one year! Over this first year of Coaches’ Corner, it has remained a place to get to know our coaches and get frequently asked questions answered.

In this broadcast, Melissa and Jennifer answer the following FAQ’s about coaching.

What is coaching?
In short, coaching is a broad service similar to if you had a gym membership that included a personal trainer. A coach is here to oversee your progress and put you on the path toward success.

Do I have coaching?
If you have an AATBS package, you should have coaching. Email coaching@aatbs.com if you have questions about whether you have coaching and to get scheduled with a coach.

How do you set up your first coaching appointment?
Email us at coaching@aatbs.com or call our customer service team at 1-800-472-1931. Though you don’t have to prepare for your first coaching session, it will be helpful if you’ve taken your initial assessment exam.

How often do I get to talk to my coach?
Typically, you’ll meet with a coach once a week, but our coaches are here as often as you need them. Coaching sessions last about 15 minutes.

Do coaches tutor?
Coaches are more like advisors who oversee your progress, rather than a tutor who would give you in-depth discussion to learn concepts. A coach can clarify questions and give you study strategies but will not tutor you through content information. To get more in-depth help, ourFacebook study groups ​

How do I contact a coach?
For general coaching questions, email coaching@aatbs.com. Melissa and Jennifer check this account daily. If you would like to send a message to your specific coach, address your email to who you want it to go to, and Melissa and Jennifer will make sure it gets there.

In addition to answering FAQ’s about coaching, Melissa and Jennifer discussed the exciting news that AATBS has recently become a member of Triad Behavioral Health. AATBS is still run separately but we now have sister companies in Academic Review and the Taylor Study Method. Our coaches will still coach for AATBS products but have knowledge of these other companies and their resources and can recommend based on your needs.

The next broadcast of Coaches’ Corner airs Wednesday June 27th on our AATBS Exam Prep Facebook page at noon (PT). Catch this week’s broadcast below.