Alarming First-Time Pass Rates on California MFT Exam

Unusually low first-time pass rates on the California MFT Exam has launched widespread discussion and controversy in the Marriage & Family Therapy field.

News of the unusually low pass rates was published on the BBS’s website, which shows first-time test-takers averaging an alarming low score of 56%. The unusually low pass rate occurred between the fourth quarter of 2016 and the first quarter of 2017.

The import of these figures is troubling since it means that for the past 6 months nearly half of first-time candidates have been failing the California MFT Clinical Exam. This is in contrast to an average pass rate of 70% to 80%.

Controversy currently exists over possible causes for this low pass rate, including discussion of whether there is a flaw in the exam or its administration. The BBS will be addressing these issues in their November meeting.

In the meantime, try not to think about this as you study for the exam. Learn the material inside and out, prepare really well, and don’t allow these statistics to throw you into unnecessary anxiety. If anything, these figures highlight the need for proper preparation materials and study skills.

Remember the MFT Clinical exam is very hard, with a variety of application-based questions. It requires you not simply to know isolated facts, but to think like a marriage and family therapist. As you prepare for this exam, ask yourself:

  • Do I have adequate preparation materials?
  • Do I have a proper study routine?
  • Have I organized my life so my studies are priority?
  • Have I been practicing test-taking skills?
  • Do I know the content well?
  • Do I have good time-management and anxiety-management skills to use when taking the exam?

Whether it's coming up with a study plan, finding the right materials for how you learn, or help guiding you down this path, AATBS is here for you. Our Coaches can help you every step of the way. Our coaches will ensure you're never going through this alone.

In our Coaches’ Corner session a couple weeks ago, Melissa Mendoza addressed these issues about 18 minutes into the video. She highlighted the need for those preparing for the California MFT Clinical Exam to develop good test-taking skills and to contact us, so we can help you navigate the test-preparation process.  If you're ready to get started,schedule an appointment with one of our exam coordinators so we can help you craft the perfect study plan.

As Melissa mentioned, we are closely following developments in the MFT Clinical and will keep you posted.

The video also touches on topics in the wider behavioral health industry, including some exciting changes happening at AATBS with the way coaching is offered, how to determine one’s exam-readiness, and how to approach the upcoming holidays.


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